march's zodiac signs

March’s Zodiac Signs: Pisces and Aries

March’s Zodiac signs are complete opposites! Pisces is a fish, so they’re obviously a water sign while Aries is a ram which is associated with fire, thanks to Ancient European myths. They often don’t go well together, but every once in a while they can make for a great pair. Read below for more facts about March’s Zodiac signs!

march's zodiac signs
Courtesy of: Wikimedia.org

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Since we covered Pisces in last month’s post, we won’t be focusing on it much this time around. To read up on March’s water sign, click here.

Basically, Pisces is one of the oldest Zodiac signs. There isn’t any specific breed of fish named, but oftentimes they’re depicted as koi. The mythology behind the fish revolves around Aphrodite and her adventures as a Greek God.

march's zodiac signs
Courtesy of: Sidney Hall via Wikicommons.org

Aries (March 20 to April 21)


Aries translates to the Latin word for ram, which is appropriate considering the constellation vaguely resembles the head of this creature.

Many link it to the Greek myth of Jason and his Argonauts. In the tale, Jason must retrieve the Golden Fleece of the winged ram Chrysomallos for King Pelias. In return, Jason would rightfully get his place on the throne of Iolcus.

It also could refer to the Ancient Greek god Ares, god of war – or for Ancient Romans, Mars. Ares is aggressive and dangerous, and while he doesn’t appear in many texts, he is usually in a position that involves some kind of humiliation.

In actuality, Aries has been represented by a ram since the time of Babylonians. They first identified Aries as a farmer of some sorts, but they later changed the symbol to a ram for unknown reasons.

march's zodiac signs
Courtesy of: Gam Ol via Pexels


Aries are said to be courageous, determined, and short-tempered. Despite their stubborn and aggressive nature, they can also be very optimistic and passionate people.

The fire element is very appropriate considering how… well, fiery they can be. Don’t let that put you off, though, because Aries are very good people to have around. It’s the more intense between March’s Zodiac signs.


As just mentioned, Aries can be very gung-ho. Acting as leaders and taking part in sports are very appropriate for such head-strong people. They can be very soft people at times, too, so of course, they enjoy lounging in athleisure every now and then!

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