november's zodiac signs

November’s Zodiac Signs: Scorpio and Sagittarius

November’s Zodiac signs are fairly different from each other. Scorpios are seen as cold and brooding, sometimes mean, while Sagittariuses are more free-spirited and open to the world. Neither is better than the other, just as with comparing any other sign. To find out more, keep reading.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)

Last month we covered Scorpio a bit more in depth, so if you would like to get the details, be sure to click here. People born under the Scorpio sign are said to be stubborn, calculating, and secretive, however, that isn’t always the case. They’re also clever, witty, and loyal, but due to the nature of Scorpios, they sometimes have trouble communicating that properly. They enjoy a variety of activities such as true crime shows and meditation.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 22nd)


Sagittarius is said to come from the word “sagitta,” which is Latin for arrow.

To the ancient Greeks and Babylonians, the symbol for this zodiac sign is based on the mythical creature known as the centaur. A centaur consists of the body of a horse and the torso of a human.

For the Greeks, the constellation represented the teacher of great arts, Chiron. It was he who trained Achilles, the future hero of the Trojan War.

The Babylonians had their stories about Nergal. Much like Chiron, he was also skilled in archery, but had wings and two heads: one human, one panther. He also had a tail that resembled a scorpion’s stinger, sitting above his horse’s one.


Sagittariuses are said to be optimistic, independent, and idealistic. However, these traits can get the best of them, making them naive and unreliable. Sagittariuses view compassion and honesty very high, and value anyone who will reciprocate those virtues to them.

november's zodiac signs
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Of November’s Zodiac signs, Sagittariuses are very free-spirited, and it shows in their interests. They enjoy travelling and the freedom that comes with it, especially if it’s outside. Sagittariuses are known to love all things about nature and usually have a pet because of it. They also take interest in philosophy, sports, and writing – just as Chiron.

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